With the radical speed at which our world is moving, and the growth of technology, data, and insight, there has never been more opportunity to connect. But Converge is about more than just a connection – it has meaning, two-way benefit and a common purpose.
Join us on the 27 May 2021 as we take you on a journey of connected data and intelligent systems – all converging on a shared goal, to transform the way you work.
27 May: 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Opening and Keynote Address
The CaseWare Ecosystem
Integrated Financial Statements:
IFRS, Interims; Consolidation and iXBRL
Financial Statements and CaseWare Cloud
Corporate Tax Returns using CloudTax
Company Secretarial Management
Meet the Corporate Team

Contact details:
Phone number: +27 (0)10 494 1002
Email address: CaseWareAfrica.info@adaptit.com
Website: www.casewareafrica.com