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Cyclone Engineering

Cyclone Engineering Projects

Tailings management and operations excellence

Tailings disposal and hydraulic reclamation of tailings storage facilities is our business. We specialise in the operations and management of Tailings Storage Facilities (TSFs) in the Mining Industry. Cycloning, spigotting and daywall paddocking form part of our portfolio. Apart from the operations and management of TSFs, our expertise expands into the Reclamation of TSFs by means of hydraulic monitoring as well as any civil works relating to Tailings Storage Facilities (TSFs).

Tailings Dams
There are many parameters to consider when choosing a location for a TSF, and the specific method for deposition for the associated tailings. One of the most important factors to consider is the environmental impact the facility will have, and the rest of the design parameters such as the geometry of the dam, drainage facilities and water availability requirements.

We specialise in all three methods of building Tailings Storage Facilities, namely, cycloning, spigot or spray bar deposition as well as paddock or day-wall construction. We concentrate especially in keeping the environmental impact of the facility to the minimum, ensuring complete legal and operational compliance. The saving of water, or the maximum return of water in this water-scarce country, plays a major role in the design and operation phase.

Hydraulic Mining
Hydraulic re-mining is the best and cheapest solution to recover minerals from a dormant TSF with residual value.
This is when high pressure water is used to monitor the tailings back to the plant by means of high-pressure monitor guns. This method is also very environmentally friendly where these old facilities’ footprint is rehabilitated afterwards to as close as possible to its original state.

We provide the whole range of monitoring guns to fit every need and situation.

Civil Works
We also can assist the mines with many types of civil infrastructure work that may be required during initial start-up phases or additional ad-hoc work required around existing TSFs.

These additional services include, amongst others, the construction of new TSFs, return water dams and pump stations; concrete lined solution trenches; installation of floating penstock, pipeline and siphon decant system installation; the design and installation of drainage systems; floating walkways; and the de-silting and hydraulic cleaning of silt traps and spillage dams.

Phone number: +27 (0)11 660 9466 / 9490
Fax number: +27 (0) 11 801 3556
Email address: info@cyclones.co.za

Website: www.cyclones.co.za