Every Tuesday, Mining and Technical Exhibitions (MTE) will be sharing helpful hints on how exhibitors can make the most from expos. The tips are courtesy of Gavin Sharple’s book, How to Make Money on Exhibitions.
This week’s tip: Never do a job without the correct tools
When exhibiting, ensure that all personal and professional equipment is on the stand. The right ‘tools’ can include personal items, as well as professional equipment.
1. Personal items
- Lead forms – Personalised for your product.
- Name tag – Visitors need to know who they are speaking to
- Stapler – staple visitors cards to lead form to save time
- Erasers – makes it easier to correct mistakes when writing in pencil
- Stationery – pens / pencils / erasers. (important hint: Take spares!)
2. Professional equipment
- Computers
- Cash registers
- Credit card machines
- Samples
- Brochures
- Chairs
- Tables
- Calculators
- Order forms
- Business cards
Find more useful information which includes tips, safety hints and case studies from the book. Visit https://www.gavinsharples.co.za/book-how-to-make-money/ to get a copy.

Image credit: Peter den Hartogh