Returning this July, the Impala Rustenburg Career Expo is ready to showcase a multitude of career options in the mining industry to inspire Grade 11 learners from Impala’s mine-community schools. From 24 July to 11 August, the mobile Career Expo will reach learners from mine communities, including Freedom Park, Platinum Village, Meriting, Kanana, Luka, Phokeng, Chaneng, Tsitsing, as well as Oos Einde and Sunrise Park.

Since its launch in 2021, the Impala Rustenburg Career Expo has served as a beacon of information and guidance for high school learners, with the specific aim to foster interest in mining-related careers. The expo has already impacted more than 6 500 learners from Grades 9 to 12, providing guidance to those who may be uncertain about their post-matric path.

This year, the Career Expo is specifically targeting Grade 11 learners, a critical year before matric, and aims to inspire students to realise their full potential. In line with this objective, the expo will provide an impactful, technology-driven experience. Participants will be treated to a series of immersive activations, featuring a virtual reality tour of an underground mine and first-hand insights into the world of work in the mining industry.

The expo will also highlight many of Impala Rustenburg’s initiatives that are instrumental in youth empowerment. These include on-the-job training for entry-level jobs, graduate internships across several disciplines, specific job category learnerships, cadet programmes designed to develop critical mining skills, and enterprise and supplier development programmes for young entrepreneurs. These programmes are designed to assist qualifying mine-community residents to develop their talents and skills to increase their employability, both within and outside the mining industry.

The expo will provide valuable guidance on how to apply to tertiary institutions and deliver information on how to access the various youth development programmes offered by Impala Rustenburg.

Moses Motlhageng, newly appointed chief executive at Impala Rustenburg, says “The Impala Rustenburg Career Expo was created as a tool to help guide young people and educate them about their options after leaving high school. By focusing on a diverse range of careers in and associated with the mining industry, the expo hopes to inspire and motivate learners to work hard, achieve great results and contribute to the development and prosperity of our local communities.”