Glencore Ferroalloys continues to support the Khumbul’ekhaya initiative, social and community responsibilities in mining, Glencore looks after communities.
On 17 July 2020 the Minerals Council launched the third commemoration of the National Day of Health & Safety in Mining 2020 – an initiative which aims to recognise and remember those who died as a result of mine accidents, and as a result of COVID-19, while reinforcing the industry’s commitment to safety and health milestones.
“Glencore Ferroalloys supports the Mineral’s Council Khumbul’ekhaya initiative because safety is at the heart of what we do in our operations. Over the years we have rolled out numerous campaigns to motivate workers to adhere to safety protocol in the workplace, while ensuring that we maintain the safest working environment for all our staff. This has become especially important as the country faces the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to fulfil our duty of dedicating our resources to protecting our staff as far as we can during this time,” says Glencore Ferroalloys CEO, Japie Fullard.
The Minerals Council National Day of Health & Safety in Mining is intended to demonstrate and support the mining industry’s recommitment to the shared imperative of Zero Harm, under the Khumbul’ekhaya strategy. The event which focused on elaborating on the Khumbul’ekhaya health and safety strategy was also geared towards motivating mining companies to support the campaign and ensure that its objectives of maintaining health in the workplace are upheld by the mining industry at large.
“We want to thank the Minerals Council for their continued dedication to the cause of safe operations in our industry. At Glencore, the health and safety of our people is our top priority, this is why we align so strongly with the National Day of Health & Safety in Mining as it is also a much-needed reminder of the grave importance of safety in our operations. We stand by our belief that safety should always take centre stage and that it is the responsibility starts with leaders to make sure that all employees are protected and kept safe from harm,” concludes Fullard.