Deep in Johannesburg’s golden heart lies Sibanye-Stillwater Gold Division, one of South Africa’s biggest gold-producers and the venue for MTE’s Sibanye-Stillwater Gold Division expo. Sibanye-Stillwater Gold Division mines extract and process gold-bearing ore to produce beneficiated product ore, which is refined further. The ore is refined into gold bars with a purity of at least 99.9%. The refinery process takes place at Rand Refinery, in which Sibanye-Stillwater holds a 33% interest and is one of the largest refineries in Africa and the world. Among the operations owned by Sibanye-Stillwater is the Kloof ultradeep level gold mine. As an established mine, infrastructure for Kloof is permanent with extensive underground infrastructure for the transportation of personnel, equipment and materials. The reef is accessed via vertical shafts at approximately 3 347m below surface. Beneficiation happens via two gold processing plants – the No. 1 carbon-in-pulp plant processes primarily surface rock dump material and the No. 2 carbon-in-pulp plant processes primarily underground ore at a rate of 347 tonnes a day. Other operations operated by Sibanye-Stillwater include underground operations at Driefontein and surface mining at Cooke. The Gold Fields South Deep Mine is an underground operation with two main shafts systems, namely the Twin Shaft and South Shaft Complexes. These shafts reach depths of 3km beneath the surface and longhole stoping is the main method by which ore is extracted and then load-haul dumpers take the ore to be hoisted to surface for processing, which takes around five days before gold bars can be smelted. Sibanye-Stillwater is very well-positioned to drive partnerships in the South African mining sector and the Sibanye-Stillwater Gold Division exhibition is the perfect place to exhibit your products and services, receive expert advice on the latest technological innovations and get input from Sibanye-Stillwater Gold Division decision-makers.
Name of operation | Type of Operation | Owner of Operation | Commodity |
Kloof operations | Sibanye-Stillwater | Underground | Gold |
Driefontein operations | Sibanye-Stillwater | Underground | Gold |
Cooke Operations | Sibanye-Stillwater | Surface | Gold |
South Deep Mine | Goldfields | Underground | Gold |