MTE Bafokeng 2025, North West

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Impala Bafokeng, previously Royal Bafokeng Platinum (RBPlat), is a wholly owned subsidiary of Implats following its acquisition in 2023. Impala Bafokeng’s mining operations are situated on the western limb of the Bushveld Complex near Rustenburg in South Africa and are adjacent and contiguous with the Impala Rustenburg mining operations. Impala Bafokeng currently operates two mines, Bafokeng Rasimone Platinum Mine (BRPM) and Styldrift Mine (Styldrift), as well as two concentrators. The Maseve mining operations are under care and maintenance.

The lower, marginal, critical and main zones of the Rustenburg Layered Suite of the Bushveld Igneous Complex underlie the Impala Bafokeng mining areas. The operations extract ore from the two primary and economically favourable platinum group metal (PGM) enriched stratigraphic horizons, the Merensky reef and the UG2 reef. Both reef horizons contain concentrations, at varying grades, of PGMs and base metal sulphides.


Name of OperationType of OperationOwner of OperationCommodity
Impala BafokengUndergroundImpala
 Platinum, PGMs

Exhibitors we would like to see:

Those servicing the Platinum and PGMs industry.

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