On 20 March 2024, Barrick is ready to invest in new gold and copper opportunities in partnership with the government of the DRC, says president and chief executive Mark Bristow.  This decision has been based on the success of Kibali, which Barrick has built into Africa’s largest gold mine, says the company.

Kibali is on track for another value-creating year on the back of a strong production performance. It is also well set to replace the ounces that were being depleted by mining with more of the same high quality.

Kibali is on track for another value-creating year on the back of a strong production performance. It is also well set to replace the ounces that were being depleted by mining with more of the same high quality. Supplied by Barrick

Speaking to media at a site visit to the mine, Bristow said the gold mine was on track for another value-creating year on the back of a strong production performance. It was also well set to replace the ounces that were being depleted by mining with more of the same high quality.

“Kibali has transformed what was previously the disadvantaged north-east region of the country into a new economic frontier and a flourishing commercial hub. Of our USD5-billion investment in the DRC, more than half has been spent with local contractors and suppliers, many of whose growth into substantial businesses we have promoted by enhancing their commercial and technical skills and providing them with the opportunities to exercise these. the gold mine’s third hydropower station, for example, was built by an all-Congolese team,” he said.

Kibali recently announced that a collaboration with the ARSP, the public regulator which oversees the country’s sub-contracting sector, has already resulted in a range of initiatives, building on the gold mine’s local content strategy.

Meanwhile, Kibali continues its transition to renewable energy with the planned commissioning of a 16MW solar plant and associated batteries in 2025. The plant will increase the renewable energy use from 81% to 85%, with the mine running solely on renewable power during the six-month rainy season.

In line with its commitment to biodiversity preservation, the gold mine has embarked on a feasibility assessment in consultation with the ICCN for the introduction of additional white rhinos into the Garamba National Park.

Source: Supplied by Barrick