“Make no mistake, the aftermath of an expo is as important as the engagement at the tradeshow itself,” says Andrew Macnamara, operations director at Mining and Technical Exhibitions (MTE). He shares some tips to gain the most traction from leads generated at an MTE expo:
Tips for heightened traction:
1. Capture leads carefully
Properly categorise and record your leads.1 There is no time like the present at a tradeshow. Make sure you glean all the relevant contact information from the visitor while you have their full attention – add the subject of your discussion.
Remember that the MTE team will share the opt-in registered visitors’ list with exhibitors after the show with the details of visitors (and their preferred contact details) you may have missed while networking.
2. Be organised
Organisation is the name of the game, as obvious as it seems, it is intrinsic to success. Make sure you do not misplace your hard-earned leads – physical leads, i.e., your notes must be packed in a secure place, and if you have stored the data electronically – make backup copies as you go.
3. Categorise leads and prioritise
Not all leads are equal! Some leads will be red hot and require urgent attention and some will require a bit more work to convert into genuine interest. At the time of your discussion with the visitor, make a list of leads by priority to ensure you do not misplace your energy through lack of memory. Trade shows are extremely busy, and you could speak to hundreds of people a day!
4. Follow up promptly
A prompt reinforcement of your conversation is paramount to making a good impression. It is all about customer service! The faster you send your follow-ups, the more your business will stand out from the rest.2
5. Personalise communication and over-deliver!
There is much evidence to suggest that personalised follow-up emails after an exhibition – especially if from the representative the customer met at the exhibition stand – is a better tool for closing deals than generic thank you emails. Despite your priority list, make sure you follow up with all leads within a few days of the show. The next point of contact after the thank-you e-mail can be delayed if the lead is a low priority. Build trust from the get-go: make sure you deliver on any promises you made at your stand.
6. Remain “top-of-mind”
“Lots of leads will not be ready to close a deal straight after the show, nor even a month or two later, but don’t give up on them. If a good rapport was established at the show, you should be able to remain in the visitor’s consciousness through personal and intermittent points of contact.”1
7. Keep track of lead status
Stay abreast of the status of all the leads you generated at the show, and if you intend to visit the show the following year, then make appointments to meet again and develop your relationship with those leads further. Keeping track will also allow you to assess the value of the exhibition and make important decisions as to your marketing process.
“The old adage stands: start as you mean to finish!” concludes Macnamara.
1. https://www.expocart.com/blog/advice/what-to-do-straight-after-an-exhibition/
2. https://www.mncpa.org/about/market-to-cpas/events/articles/tradeshow-exhibitor-tips/